T-VoIP for mobile
Télésonique VoIP service for mobile, can be used with any configurable VoIP App. We have tested and recommend IP-call App for iOS or Android. We will pre-configure and e-mail your VoIP account information, and installation instruction, as soon as we receive your order form.
Once the App is installed, you will receive all incoming calls to your Fix/VoIP number, on your mobile, wherever you are. Furthermore, you avoid high calling rates from mobile, as we offer the same rates from Fixed phones. Our VoIP-for-Mobile customers will benefit from our Half-Price rate plan, which is 50 % off Swisscom rates from fixed lines .
Your call recipient will see your fix/VoIP phone number when you call from the App. This is particularly useful for customers who prefer not to disclose their mobile number. In addition, phone calls to received are made using fixed network rates rather than mobile rates. In Switzerland calling to a mobile phone is much more expensive than calling to a fixed number, so save your family, friends or customers some money, when they call you.

What do I need to use
Télésonique VoIP on my mobile?
A smart phone (Apple iPhone or Android).
WiFi access and/or Mobile Internet Access from your mobile provider (Télésonique or Any mobile Provider)